{{begin}} {{set title 'Tips About Accommodation, Hotels, Guesthouses, Ashrams and 24-hour checkout in India'}} {{set template 'templates/page.html'}} {{set menu 'planning'}} {{set submenu 'in_accommodation'}} {{set submenufile 'planning/menu.html'}}


India bosts a huge and diverse range of accommodation for just about any kind of traveler! It is possible to find accommodation for as little as 50 rupees a night (~$1USD) or as much as $2500+ USD a night!

The backpack traveler is always looking for the best deal, into which category I happen to fit!

For people that are not so concerned with cleansliness, noise, hot water, comfortable beds etc, there is not much problem finding accommodation in most cities for 100 rupees or less (~$2USD) per night.

However, for the slightly more discerning backpacker that prefers a few comforts, I have found it is almost always possible to find fantastic accommodations (considering my list of criteria below) in most cities between 300-400 rupees (~$6-8USD) per night.

Note, room rates are often negotiable and it never hurts to try! I have been able to knock as much as 50% of the initial quoted price of a room.

Things to consider when choosing a room:

Now, of course it's difficult to completely satisfy this list for each accommodation, but you can get close!

Where applicable, I have made accommodation recommendations in the City Specific section.