{{begin}} {{set title 'South Africa Journal'}} {{set template 'templates/page.html'}} {{set menu 'journal'}} {{set submenu 'southafrica'}} {{set submenufile 'journal/menu.html'}}
Savanna Dry
Written by Ingrid Pollet

Last time we were in Africa, we got hooked on this one drink called Savanna. This is a dry cider that can be found in most countries of Southern Africa. We drank those ciders all day long, and just couldn’t get enough of it! Back in Canada, we made a refined search in all establishments selling liquor to find something similar... to no avail. The closest we came is Strong Bow but it still doesn't really compare. Savanna is Savanna and should only be drank in Africa! Over the years, our memory of Savanna stayed strong in our mind and we were looking forward to refreshing ourselves with this beverage again. We bought a pack of Savanna a few days after our arrival and have had quite a few since!

In the Fun Stuff section, you will find the number of Savannas we have consumed!
